Friday, July 7, 2023

Nectar Drops - Diary of Annamalai Swami

Sri Annamalai Swamigal asked Sri Bhagavan, 

"How should one act without forgetting God at all times?" 

Bhagavan did not reply. After some time, a few children came to Sri Bhagavan and played a Kummi song. 

They sang, "Let us churn the curd, without forgetting Sri Krishna!

Sri Bhagavan looked at the disciple and asked with a benign smile on his face, "Have you understood now?"


What is the use of trying to meditate assuming that there is a mind (which in fact is non-existent) and that one should control it? 

If we do our assigned duties with this determined resolve - "I am not this body and mind, the ever-present Self am I," then meditation will come searching for us.


"You have been bitten by the deadly black cobra of ego, O son, drink the nectar of faith "I am not doer" and attain bliss!" - Ashtavakra Gita
